Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm Baaaaack!

Ok, that is goofy. But I am back. I am going to try to post at least 2 times a week. I make no promises but I will try.

The holidays were very good here at home. Josh and his wife, Ashley were here for the whole week of Christmas and it is always good to have them at home. We saw alot of Phillip, Jenny, Jackson and Mikey. On Christmas morning, Josh and Ashley were at her family's doing their Christmas thing so Phillip and Jenny invited us (including Aunt Gale who came in on Christmas Eve) to come over early to see the boys do the Santa thing. We had not done that before so it was fun. Jackson of course, knew just what to do. And Mikey caught on pretty quickly. He can really tear into the gifts. He isn't all that interested in them once they're opened but he is a good opener. They had a very good Christmas, got lots of things they wanted and some they didn't know they wanted. Their big surprise was a trampoline. They are still loving it. Jackson will even go home willingly if he gets some trampoline time. Anyway, they came over to our house around 11:00 or so. When Josh and Ashley came in a little bit later, we did our Christmas gift giving. Santa was good to all of us. I am loving my ipod touch from my wonderful hubby. Jenny, being a photographer, and Phillip gave some great gifts related to that. I love those pictures, especially the accordion photo album. And the calendar they gave us was so cute. It has all our important family dates on it along with pictures that fit for the month. Love it! I also got a couple of charms for my charm bracelet. Josh and Ashley know how to give good gifts also. They gave me a Jim Shore Santa ornament and a beautiful angel which shall stay out all year. Gale gave me an LSU purse and a jacket. A very nice haul for me.

New Years Day saw us out at the mall looking for deals. We spent $174 that day, so I guess we found them. Actually a good portion of that was for a new Bunn coffee maker. Our old one was in the process of biting the dust. Then we came home and prepared our cabbage, blackeyed peas and steak. It was all so good. I love cabbage.

Then on Monday, we had to go back to work. We are so blessed to have days off at Christmas. This year it worked out that we had two weeks off. It was wonderful and we thank GCBA for that. We have been busy ever since getting back into non-holiday routines.

One thing that happened over the holidays was that our kids got us involved with FACEBOOK. It has been so much fun. We have been in contact with alot of old friends from Pearl, MS where we lived before moving to Texas in 1983. We love those people! I hope we don't lose contact again.

Ok here are a few pictures from Christmas morning.

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