Saturday, April 02, 2005

That was supposed to be a mad face but it didn't quite come off. Posted by Hello

When Jackson comes to our house, Granddad puts him to work. He doesn't seem to mind. Posted by Hello

Jackson and Reagan Posted by Hello

Here are my eggs. Posted by Hello

Here are two eggs to add to the basket Aunt Gale. Posted by Hello

There's one! Posted by Hello

Easter Egg Hunting

Jackson came over for the afternoon on Easter Sunday. Unfortunately Phillip and Jenny couldn't come. Jenny was having more problems with the pregnancy so they had to go to the hospital in Houston to make sure all was ok with the baby. Thankfully the baby is growing and has a strong heartbeat. Jenny has to take it very carefully for a few weeks.

The pictures either following this blog or preceding it are from the afternoon. Eventually I will learn how this works. Maybe.

Donald can eat his weight in crawfish. Posted by Hello

Phillip, Kevin and Josh enjoying life. Posted by Hello

This is what they look like when they are cooking, they turn red as soon as they hit the boiling water. They don't suffer long. Posted by Hello

Jackson is helping; we put corn on the cob, potatoes, sausage, and weiners in with the crawfish Posted by Hello

Culling the crawfish, don't want any dead ones. Phillip, are you trying to tell me something? Posted by Hello

Crawfish Boil in south Texas

My sister from Louisiana came to visit for Easter. She brought with her a real treat for us, live crawfish. So we boiled them up and enjoyed them immensely. The following pictures show a little bit about how we do it. Unfortunately, the pictures are in reverse order. The picture with Phillip patting his behind should be first, so start with that one and work your way up.

Wish you could have been there but we probably didn't have enough for you. Sorry.