Tuesday, December 27, 2005


We had a really nice Christmas. On Christmas Eve, my sister came in from Louisiana. We did a few errands as soon as she arrived. When we got back home, I cooked a shrimp stew for supper. Before we ate though we went to the Christmas Eve service at Brazos Pointe Fellowship. It was a very nice service. We came home and ate and it was good. Phillip came by to eat a bite when he was finished with the second service at BPF. Josh came in a little bit later too and finished up the stew. I tried to do as much as I could to prepare the Christmas lunch that night.
In the morning, I got up early and put the roast and ponce (a Cajun dish) on to cook. Did quite a few other things as well and things were well in hand when we had to leave to go to First Baptist in Lake Jackson for their Christmas morning service. It was also a very nice service. We got home before noon and did the final preparations for lunch. Josh and Ashley came in, followed by Phillip, Jenny and Jackson. We had a nice lunch and then attacked the tree. Jackson had a good time opening up his numerous gifts. Here are a few shots from the day and the day after Christmas as well.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Jackson's Christmas Program

I have been meaning to post a couple of pictures from Jackson's Christmas program at preschool. It was very entertaining. As his mom and dad posted on their blogs, he planted his chin firmly on his chest and never looked up during the whole thing. But he didn't cry. He was very happy when it was over. You should be able to spot him in the picture to the left.

Happy as a lark now that the ordeal is over. (I almost said over with but I know some people get bent out of shape when someone ends a sentence with a preposition.)

An Early Christmas Gift

Jenny called Tuesday night and said Jackson wanted to come over to give me an early Christmas gift. So over they came. He walked in with a "Build a Bear" Box. Well I wonder what that could be! I collect Santas and they decided I needed a Santa Bear. If you squeeze his paw, he says (in Jackson's voice), "I love you Nana!" Actually he kind of shouts it. It is great.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

More Camping Pictures

Jackson with his pet spider, Silky Sam
It was kind of foggy on Saturday morning but lots of deer came out to eat early. Several babies just ran and played. We enjoyed watching them.
Jackson helped fix breakfast before heading home.
Friday was hot and sticky. Jackson had a snack of fresh fruit after playing hard.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Camping at S.F. Austin "Stake" Park

Not too long ago, we took Jackson to Stephen F. Austin State Park in Sealy. He always says "stake" instead of state. We had a great time. He loves camping.
This was our campsite. Very nice park.
Jackson and Granddad just visiting while the burgers are cooking.
Throwing a bouncy ball with Granddad.
Busy, busy, busy.
Building the fire for roasting marshmallows.
At the end of the day, Jackson is pretty tired.

Fridays with Jackson

Jackson and Granddad worked on this lovely creature last Friday. They agreed that he sort of looks like something out of Where the Wild Things Are.

Jackson adding some more chalk drawings to the driveway. All this artwork is still there.

Nowadays when I tell Jackson to smile, this is what I get. Lovely.

This is rubber spider leg soup that Jackson asked me to cook for him. If you would like a recipe, just mention it in the comments.

Jackson enjoying the rubber spider leg. MMMM!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

That was supposed to be a mad face but it didn't quite come off. Posted by Hello

When Jackson comes to our house, Granddad puts him to work. He doesn't seem to mind. Posted by Hello

Jackson and Reagan Posted by Hello

Here are my eggs. Posted by Hello

Here are two eggs to add to the basket Aunt Gale. Posted by Hello

There's one! Posted by Hello

Easter Egg Hunting

Jackson came over for the afternoon on Easter Sunday. Unfortunately Phillip and Jenny couldn't come. Jenny was having more problems with the pregnancy so they had to go to the hospital in Houston to make sure all was ok with the baby. Thankfully the baby is growing and has a strong heartbeat. Jenny has to take it very carefully for a few weeks.

The pictures either following this blog or preceding it are from the afternoon. Eventually I will learn how this works. Maybe.

Donald can eat his weight in crawfish. Posted by Hello

Phillip, Kevin and Josh enjoying life. Posted by Hello

This is what they look like when they are cooking, they turn red as soon as they hit the boiling water. They don't suffer long. Posted by Hello